Chase has had a cold this week so Sandy and I decided it would be better if he stayed home this weekend. I wanted to spend some time with Riley, so I drove out to Boston yesterday afternoon and Sandy drove back home to spend the weekend with Chase.
Some updates on Riley. The doctors are slowly weaning her off Ativan - this will be done over the next couple of weeks. They have also switched all of her medications from her PICC line over to her feeding tube. If all goes well in the next couple of days, the PICC line will be removed. This is one less source of infection, and Daddy won't have to be worried about yanking it out accidentally...even though it's sutured into her leg...I'm just a wimp about it. Riley has also started to take some feeds by mouth. She just finished 10cc of milk from one of our Dr. Browns bottles, gave me a little burp, and now she's snoozing happily. The nurses and doctors are very very happy that she is so willing to take a bottle. Often, babies that are intubated for long periods develop oral aversions, but this doesn't seem to be the case with Riley. Assuming that she can learn to breath more efficiently while eating larger amounts of food, it will make oral feeding and weight gain much easier for her and us.

So glad to hear that Riley is eating, and that Sandy brok out of the hospital for a little while!