Riley MRI

Riley MRI
Riley's First Picture

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

02/22 Update

After a good nights rest, we travelled over to Children's to see our little Riley.  She had a good night and her sats stayed pretty consistent and good.  Her bili levels came back normal so we are not dealing with jaundice lik we did with Chase.

Everyone here seems to be in love with her.   A respiratory lead, Nancy, even stopped by when she didnt need to (she is not assigned to Riley) just to check in and let us know how beautiful she thinks Riley is. 

Brian and I got a chance to change Rileys diaper last night which might seem small, but it was the first time we were really able to interact with her.  It was a little more awkward than with Chase because of all the tubing and wires, but we will get the hang of it soon!

I love sitting here watching her (like I did with Chase).  She is on sedatives to keep her calm so I havent seen her awake yet, but hopefully after surgery I will once she is stabilized.  Riley has an Echo scan today to make sure her heart is still working well.  She is also looking forward to seeing Grandma Coombs and Aunt Mary and Cathy today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh guys, you are in our thoughts so much. I know how you feel about the diaper thing :) know that she is in the best hands there.

