Riley MRI

Riley MRI
Riley's First Picture

Monday, February 21, 2011

Riley the Investigator

Riley just spent a half hour awake and exploring the buzzing and beeping world around her. She woke up when the respiratory doctor suctioned her airway and decide to stay awake for a while. I wonder if she can make out my beard from a foot away? Her beautiful blue eyes were certainly taking everything in.

Riley's doing very well. Her heartrateand oxygenation levels have been good. Her blood pressure has been a little low, so the doctors have been managing it with extra fluids and a little bit of dopamine, as needed. Overall, she's doing well and initiating a large majority of her own breaths. Let's hope she keeps up the good work!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless phone


  1. Riley is so lucky to have such a wonderful daddy looking after her :o). We love you!

  2. Yay, Riley! You go, girl. :)

  3. Sounds like a feisty girl already! Can't wait to see some pictures of your new addition. So happy for you guys.

  4. Now THAT is a future engineer! I wonder where she gets that?
